Aircraft CBTS

CBTS – Computer Based Training Software is the Software for managing theoretical training, exams and tests. This Software intended for Aviation Training Organizations, Universities and other training facilities. It can be used as a stand-alone application and also for classes with Class-management functionality which provide the full control for Teacher over Trainees Workstations.

Currently CBTS are available for next models:
– P2002 JF
– P2006T
– P2010
– C172
– DA40 & DA42
– CBTS for Your Aircraft can be developed upon request.

The CBTS is an interactive, entertaining and educational training program that teaches, but not limited to crucial safety skills for general aviation pilots, flight planning, Tecnam piloting airmanship, operation and maintenance. This is a truly interactive learning experience.

The course is designed to be engaging and interactive. It was a refreshingly active course that leverages CBTS to create an interactive and enjoyable learning environment.

The experienced pilot of Tecnam aircaft will lead through the training with teaching and focusing on all aspects of airplane operation and piloting.

Knowledge Evaluation

The student is challenged with exercises, quizzes and questions.

CBTS include also the testing and evaluation system which consist of multiple choice questionnaires executed through the workstations for knowledge evaluation.